January 22nd, 2018

Sir Sam Jonah and Mr. Felix Addo joins PaySwitch's board

PaySwitch Company Limited has once again drawn the attention of the movers and shakers of the business fraternity in Ghana with its convincingly excellent performance and potential.

Two all-time greats, and proud sons of Africa who have made significant waves in the business environment at top-levels both home and abroad, have joined our Board.

It is the believe of management that, PaySwitch Company Limited is en-route to even much more greatness in the Fin-tech space as a proud indigenous company. The addition and access to the wealth of knowledge our two new Directors bring onboard , goes on to proof this. This certainly also gives all stakeholders another good reason to stick with us, or join our excellent services and solutions if they haven’t.

  • payswitch-first-board-meeting
    Kojo Choi (Chairman & Managing Director) left; Nathan L.W Annobi (Executive Director); Felix Addo (Non-Executive Director); Sam Jonah (Non-Executive Director)
  • payswitch-first-board-meeting
    PaySwitch Board Executives and some staff
  • payswitch-first-board-meeting
    Board Executives meeting with Staff